
FX Hotels Group is Awarded China Hotel Golden Dragon Award


Hotel Professional Executive International Elite Forum was held in Beijing on April 28. FX Hotels Group is proud to receive the awards of The International Hotel with the Best Investment Value and Most Popular Business Hotel.
Hotel Professional Executive International Elite Forum is held by Hotel Professional Executive magazine united with many domestic institutions, aiming at providing latest hotel wisdom to hotel investors, landlords, hotel managers and hotel industry colleagues. The hotel industry professors and hotel representatives discussed on the subject of China Hotel design, energy conservation and information management.
In the furious competition of China Hotel Industry, The hotel construction preparation design and energy saving play a more important role. FX Hotels are well located in matured business districts within first tier cities. This key trait allows it to cater for the daily business needs of its clienteles. Besides, its hotels are designed by some of most prestigious designers, incorporating the latest global fashion trends for its interior and exterior decorations such as lobby, corridor and rooms. Extensive use of full-length glass and mirrors conveys the feeling of spaciousness. This fashionable design blends the Chinese culture with Western fashion elements to create unique and glamorous effect.
As to energy saving and information management, FX Hotels uses all means to be succeed in controlling the energy consumption percent within 8 %( energy cost in receivable revenue).
FX Hotels Group will begin a rapid expansion in 2011, estimate to have 30new hotels every year in future. FX Hotels Group is worthy of awards of The International Hotel with the Best Investment Value and Most Popular Business Hotel.

企业简介/Company Profile

    富驿是一家不断发展壮大的连锁酒店,旨在为顾客提供“时尚、科技、健康”的住宿体验,旗下四大连锁品牌:"泊逸度假酒店"、 "泊逸精品酒店"、"富驿时尚酒店"以及"富驿商旅酒店"深受广大商旅人士的拥趸和喜爱。富驿在中国各大主要城市拥有已开业酒店和待开业酒店共83家,其中北京、上海、广州、深圳、台北、苏州、杭州、石家庄、郑州、重庆、天津、扬州等 地拥有客房9126间。酒店位于一线城市的重要商圈或繁华地带,使宾客尽享舒适便利的商旅生活。针对 VIP会员提供优惠的房价及订房管家、延时退房,自助退房、多倍富驿币、免费使用ipad等个性化专属服 务,更有精致、时尚的会员富驿币礼品供选择兑换。


     客人可通过客服预订中心电话:400-6868-000,或关注“富驿酒店”官方微信亦可登录富驿官网 www.fxhotels.com预订房间,更可享受优惠房价。此外,富驿还可通过富丽华集团共享另外14家国际酒店。

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