
New Hotels of FX Hotels Group Opening This Spring


Four new hotels of FX Hotels Group will open in April.
FX Hotel Guanzhuang ChaoYang Beijing and FX Hotel Beijing at Daxing Biomedical Park have opened on April 1, 2011. These two new hotels are located in east expanded area of CBD in ChaoYang Beijing and Daxing Biomedical Park of ZhongGuanCun Science Park has 124 and 168 comfortable and spacious guestrooms respectively.
First FX Hotel in Chongqing – FX Hotel Chongqing at Third Military Medical University—will begin its operation in early April. The hotel, which has 195 guestrooms, is located in prosperous business blocks and close to The Third Military Medical University and Southwest Hospital.
FX Inn Yizhuang Beijing will open in late April. This hotel is located within Yizhuang economic and technique development zone while close to many established corporation industrial park. The hotel features 93 guestrooms and convenient location.
FX Hotels Group fixes its investment direction of trendy business hotel according to current domestic hotels industry development. FX Hotels invested and operated by FX Hotels Group is aiming at being the first stylish business hotel-chain in China. Within a short period of time, FX Hotels Group increased its portfolio from 6 chain hotels in 2009, to 26 hotels.

企业简介/Company Profile

    富驿是一家不断发展壮大的连锁酒店,旨在为顾客提供“时尚、科技、健康”的住宿体验,旗下四大连锁品牌:"泊逸度假酒店"、 "泊逸精品酒店"、"富驿时尚酒店"以及"富驿商旅酒店"深受广大商旅人士的拥趸和喜爱。富驿在中国各大主要城市拥有已开业酒店和待开业酒店共83家,其中北京、上海、广州、深圳、台北、苏州、杭州、石家庄、郑州、重庆、天津、扬州等 地拥有客房9126间。酒店位于一线城市的重要商圈或繁华地带,使宾客尽享舒适便利的商旅生活。针对 VIP会员提供优惠的房价及订房管家、延时退房,自助退房、多倍富驿币、免费使用ipad等个性化专属服 务,更有精致、时尚的会员富驿币礼品供选择兑换。


     客人可通过客服预订中心电话:400-6868-000,或关注“富驿酒店”官方微信亦可登录富驿官网 www.fxhotels.com预订房间,更可享受优惠房价。此外,富驿还可通过富丽华集团共享另外14家国际酒店。

电  话:(010) 58986694
邮  箱:marketing@fxhotels.com