
NOTICE:Shijiazhuang west bus lines and passenger departure time adjustment notice


The majority of passengers:

For the convenience of passengers ride the airport shuttle west to draw on December 1, 2011 to the west of the bus routes and departure time interval to adjust the vehicle throughout the whole of Chinese street, as follows:

First, departure city to the airport site

A total of two points, first stop: Golden Circle Building; second stop: FX Hotel (Zhuang Chinese Avenue and City Road intersection). The street from the Chinese airport runways, the Beltway, Beijing-Shijiazhuang Expressway to the airport.

Second, the airport to the city parking site

The convenience of visitors along the nearby streets in China get off, a total of four stops:
First stop: FX Hotel(Kyushu Hotel), the train passengers at the North Station and get off;
Second stop: Golden Circle Building;
Third stop:China Street Road intersection with the workers and peasants;
Fourth stop:Main Street South China Shijiazhuang Municipal Traffic Management Bureau head. U-turn from the Municipal Traffic Management Bureau of vehicles from South Street back to the gold circle building grid.

Third, the departure time

1、the urban departure time:Gold Circle Building starting points: early 5:00-8:00 every hour; 8:00-16:00 every 30 minutes; 16:00-21:00 every hour .FX Hotel and gold circle building every 10minutes.Golden Circle Building to the airport for 40minutes.

2、with flights into the airport to the port city departure time.

November 10, 2011

企业简介/Company Profile

    富驿是一家不断发展壮大的连锁酒店,旨在为顾客提供“时尚、科技、健康”的住宿体验,旗下四大连锁品牌:"泊逸度假酒店"、 "泊逸精品酒店"、"富驿时尚酒店"以及"富驿商旅酒店"深受广大商旅人士的拥趸和喜爱。富驿在中国各大主要城市拥有已开业酒店和待开业酒店共83家,其中北京、上海、广州、深圳、台北、苏州、杭州、石家庄、郑州、重庆、天津、扬州等 地拥有客房9126间。酒店位于一线城市的重要商圈或繁华地带,使宾客尽享舒适便利的商旅生活。针对 VIP会员提供优惠的房价及订房管家、延时退房,自助退房、多倍富驿币、免费使用ipad等个性化专属服 务,更有精致、时尚的会员富驿币礼品供选择兑换。


     客人可通过客服预订中心电话:400-6868-000,或关注“富驿酒店”官方微信亦可登录富驿官网 www.fxhotels.com预订房间,更可享受优惠房价。此外,富驿还可通过富丽华集团共享另外14家国际酒店。

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邮  箱:marketing@fxhotels.com